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Chloe C. Hudson, PhD
Principal investigator

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Dr. Chloe Hudson (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in the Clinical Science area of the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. She received her PhD in Psychology at Queen's University, and completed both her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Her research focuses on identifying the structure, functional outcomes, and malleability of mental state processing (also referred to as theory of mind or mentalization). Dr. Hudson's research has been supported by the Canadian Institute for Health Research and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

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Rory McKemey, B.S.
Graduate Student

Rory is a graduate student in the Clinical Science concentration at Virginia Tech Department of Psychology. He received his Bachelor of Science from UCLA in psychobiology. He is interested in the intersection of cognitive and clinical psychology, specifically the role that individual variation in certain cognitive traits/abilities plays in mental illness. 

Lydia Dorr, B.A.
Lab Manager

Lydia (she/her) graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a B.A. in psychology and cognitive science. She is interested in studying social and moral cognition in individuals with serious mental illness. Lydia hopes to one day pursue a PhD in social psychology. 

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